Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture has had a tradition of service at Robert and Company for half a century.
Experience includes work for colleges, schools, downtowns, offices, commercial and industrial clients,
private developers and military agencies. Projects range from parks, playgrounds, plazas, streetscape
improvements, campus planning and comprehensive landscape plans to office, industrial and residential
Robert and Company’s portfolio includes such notable projects as Callaway Gardens, Stone Mountain
Memorial Park, Zoo Atlanta, Margaret Mitchell Square, Macon State College, the University of Georgia,
and the Georgia State Botanical Garden. Robert and Company’s staff of professional landscape architects
is dedicated to design excellence and attention to detail. The firm is recognized for its creative and
innovative approach to each project and has received numerous awards and honors for landscape
architectural and urban design projects.
- General site design, planning and analysis
- Master Planning
- Institutional Design
- Public/Civic Design
- Streetscape Design
- Recreational Design
- Corridor Studies
- Bicycle and pedestrian Facility Design
- Environmental Assessments
- Transportation Enhancements (TE) and SPLOST-funded projects
Contact Us
Recent Projects:
 Sonoraville Park, Gordon County, GA |
 Brooks Mall, University of Georgia, Athens, GA |
 Heritage Gardens,State Botanical Garden, Athens, GA |
 Downtown Streetscape Improvements, Hartwell, GA |
 Downtown Parks Project, Newnan, GA |
 Downtown Streetscape Improvements Phase 5 Toccoa, GA |
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