Historic Preservation
Robert and Company understands it is important to preserve and enhance America’s irreplaceable
historic heritage as a matter of public
interest and general welfare so that its vital legacy will be maintained and enriched for present
and future generations. Robert and Company believes that identifying and preserving historic
sites and districts is a vital part of the historic preservation movement, and essential in protecting
America’s heritage for future generations. In response to this commitment, Robert and Company
offers a variety of historic preservation and design services including general historic preservation
consultation, architectural/landscape site documentation, historic district guideline development,
master planning for historic landscapes/gardens, preservation planning, design and restoration services,
and historic district ordinance and property designation preparation. In projects that deal with issues
such as these, Robert and Company develops solutions that ensure integrity of the historic site/district.
We believe that historical resources provide continuity with our past and enhance our quality of life.
Over the last decade, historic preservation has evolved beyond the protection of a single
structure or district to include the identification, documentation, and preservation of historic
and cultural sites with local, regional, and national significance. Cultural landscapes are
recognized today as an important component of our history, and through their form, features,
and identity, greatly enrich our lives. They reveal much about our relationship with the natural
and built environments and the way we understand and interpret our past. As a participant in
the expanding field of cultural landscape preservation, Robert and Company’s Preservation Studio
provides a broad range of services to a variety of clients.
Preservation Services:
- Master Plans for Historic Landscapes and Gardens
- Historic Structure Reports
- Cultural Landscape Reports
- Historic Cemetery Master Plans and Preservation Studies
- Site Restoration Plans
- Preservation Plans for Historic Downtowns, Neighborhoods, and Communities
- Historic Preservation Studies
- Master Plans for Botanical Gardens, and arboretums
- Garden Conservancy
- Historic Landscape Inventories
- Consultation Services for Historic Sites
Contact Us
Recent Projects:
 Historic Columbia Foundation Master Plan Columbia, SC. 2008 GA Chapter ASLA Recipient of an Award of Merit |
 Oakland Cemetery Master Plan Atlanta, GA. 2008 GA Chapter ASLA Recipient of an Award of Merit |
 Goodwood Cultural Landscape Report Tallahassee, FL |
 Historic Structure Reports for Barrington Hall, Bulloch Hall, and Smith Plantation Roswell, GA |
 Hills and Dales Estate Master Plan La Grange, GA |
 Hay House Landscape Restoration Plan – Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation Macon, GA |